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Delito de Opinião

Leituras ao domingo

Diogo Noivo, 20.03.16



«The Judges Club in Alexandria ended up calling for broad new legislation to ensure judicial independence – and for a gathering of all 8,000 Egyptian judges to take a joint national stand. Their summit convened in Cairo on May 13, 2005 […]. The session was stormy. But Egypt’s judges agreed to issue a direct challenge to Mubarak’s regime. They called to major reforms to foster the rule of law. They demanded full independence from the executive branch. And they voted to put the government on notice that they would no longer provide cover for its behavior […]. To avoid scandals or constitutional crisis in the past, judges had usually taken their concerns to the Ministry of Justice. “But now the majority of judges have changed their basic philosophy”, he said. “They have come to the conclusion that they are part of this society – and that they must act rather than defer to other authorities.”» (Os sublinhados são meus).


Robin Wright (2008), Dreams and Shadows: The Future of the Middle East, Londres: Penguin Books, p. 92.