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Delito de Opinião

The Portuguese Intelligence Perspective

Paulo Gorjão, 08.05.09

Portugal may be a worthy partner and a well-positioned interlocutor in the Mediterranean dialogue between the European Union and the Maghreb countries — not only regarding issues such as immigration and terrorism, but also on a broad range of regional problems, including territorial disputes and energy — and contribute to establishing new relationship arrangements in the western Mediterranean. However, before pursuing such goals, it will be necessary to cultivate a real European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). The current ESDP lacks coherent linkage between EU mechanisms and internal security, particularly from the intelligence perspective. This article seeks to offer a contribution to this debate.

IPRIS | Occasional Paper | May 2009 | No. 1

“A Global Security Vision: The Portuguese Intelligence Perspective”
Jorge Silva Carvalho | Head of the Strategic Defence Intelligence Service (SIED)

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