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Delito de Opinião

Pub: IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin

Paulo Gorjão, 01.04.10

No dia em que ocorre precisamente (mais) um golpe de Estado na Guiné-Bissau, o IPRIS publica a nova edição do seu IPRIS Lusophone Countries Bulletin. O índice deste número:

"Angola’s new Constitution: The old hegemony authorized?", por André Monteiro;

"Threats to food sovereignty in Guinea-Bissau", por Alexandre Abreu;

"Mozambique and Portugal: Is the Cahora Bassa issue solved, once and for all?", por Francisco Pavia;

"Portugal and the gas market of the South", por Paulo Gorjão;

"São Tomé and Príncipe: 12 oil ministers since 1999, but not a single drop of oil yet", por Gerhard Seibert;

"The Recurring Dilemma in Timor Leste: Tribunals or Trade?", por Kai Thaler; e,

"Brazil’s National Defense Strategy: At last, matching words with deeds?", por Pedro Seabra.

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